
Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year

Happy New year to you all blog family!

What time is it?

Time for reflection, 
time to move forward, 
not backward, 
time to heal old wounds 
time t recover from the storms losses. 
 Your time to shine
Make a plan,
 write it down
breath it,
live it!

* be blessed for the new year and let no one bring you down, stay focused, positive and alert to all things good!

by:  xo Tanya

Monday, December 27, 2010

Ramen Noodles May Lead to Chronic Illness | Food & Drink | Lifestyle | Mainstreet

Ramen Noodles May Lead to Chronic Illness | Food & Drink | Lifestyle | Mainstreet

when in foster care you may not be eating the "best" food and when you leave you donot know how to make the right choices. My brother died of heart disease at 41, so i share anything with you that will heal you physically or mentally.. stay blessed for the new year. Remember, you can always start over if you have your health, but you cant do anything if your dead!! xo Tanya

Thursday, December 23, 2010


please check my friend Eric...real music happy holidays!
.::ERIC ROBERSON Presents::.: VIDEO PREMIERE 'SHE': "Here is a early Christmas present. The premier of my video for 'She' directed by Rolando Sanchez featuring Caryn Ward. I hope you enjoy i..."

Monday, December 20, 2010

holiday blue's

Hi blog family!

I have been under the weather. alot happening, including losing my job! Worried? no not I! Why?

this brings me to my lesson for the day: Yes, it is holiday time, an awful time to lay someone off, but you know what I decided? You can never stop another from being what they truley are. If you lose your job during a holiday, don't worry, it was not meant for you! No crying, sulking, thank the universe for getting you away from misery.
So often we try to hold onto jobs we hate--and know we should not be in BECAUSE that was not our calling...but we stay because: "it's all I can find"
close to home,

STOP STAYING where your not wanted or appreciated--including in relationships with friends or lovers!!!
This is the new year, time to clean out old messes we made, you woke today, surely you can start over!
consider this time of year an adventure. If you want to find gold you must figure out where your going, how you will get there and what tools or people you will need.
Don't be sad if you have no family, go to your friends if you have none find a local church, they usually do holiday dinners. You have no reason, if you are alive with health (reasonable health), not to be going after your dream and following your heart. Life is short and when you die what will be your legacy?? You had a million dollars, you traveled the world or you helped save or change a life with your gift....I will take the last, thank you and happy holiday Tanya

Monday, December 13, 2010

better day

what you plan today will help
next day be better
what you put off today
will postpone your future greatness
keep it from shinning bright
from you being an asset to this world...

If you are sitting doing nothing, nothing will happen
If you are sitting and doing, something will get done!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

What is true happiness? The Dali Lama says...

Hi blog family!

I was enjoying the rain today, as the earth needs to be cleansed every now and again. I am always on a quest for inner peace, love, happiness and how to help others without any purpose, reason or gain. I know just my being happy doing it is a gain, so I wonder can I truley help others without "wanting" anything? While I was reading I came upon this, written by the Dali Lama on his site...these are NOT my words, but as I search and find answers, I will share them with you. We must find our divine purpose and help each other any way we can. So I ask: What is true happiness?

True happiness comes from having a sense of inner peace and contentment, 
which in turn must be achieved by cultivating altruism,
 love and compassion,
 and by eliminating anger, 
 and greed. 

- Dali Lama

Monday, December 6, 2010

The search is on for foster families

Really, a search?
 Why do we try to save money and end up spending more later?
There use to be a time when it was more lucrative for foster kids to be in group homes (remember when all the dark skin kids stayed because no one would pick us--we thought it was our age...and now we know it was our color.and money to keep us longer..(not many will admit this read "WILDER"case.  but it was the agency's then only placed you according to religion..if you were catholic, prodestent or jewish-you was placed with better agency's....(or so we thought until you read some foster care books written by all much for the "take care of your own theory...
It is a differenct system now but it is still running on old beliefs and values" let's get the kids out of their "unsafe" enviornement and put them in a camp like enviornment, (hello..what "camp" has ever worked for healing souls...only summer camp and that was refuge from all your brothers and sisters....) meeting all of their needs... if the city paid more and did better screenings, ( I hear alot of people who have foster kids--that are criminals and abusive .
they would find alot of homes BUT just because you take a kid does not mean your a good parent...even if you have one....what will be the determining factor is how much resources will you put into this child having a future so bright, they cannot find room for the  word failure in their vocabualry? No one is thinking...I have many solutions...but they are busy asking people who were never in foster care, did not know they was in foster care--until after the fact, or people that never heard of foster care and want to "do a good deed"! WRONG! when you want real solutions on how to fix foster care they should come to us--we lived it, especially those who grew up in care 5-21 and different enviornments, foster and group homes... 
I am not babbling, I am saying if we want our kids to age out successfully we must invest in them mentally, and physically and making sure WHEREVER they are placed, there is love, caring people, contacts, therapy with a modern approach, and understanding that it takes work to heal from abandonment. not money... or just any foster family....
You are blessed and a blessing Tanya

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

feeing down?

Soc Le Cour (this is the top of Paris, once you climb those stairs and look down you feel like you are on top of the world--YOU ARE--everyday if you believe it!!!
hi blog family!!!
I know the holidays are among us and this is a hard time for anyone without family OR anyone who did not get the holiday love and peace they deserved as a child. THis is a time where many take their own lives or may do more drugs or high risk behavior things.
I write to you today to encourage you to stay strong and know that YOU have divine purpose!! Yes, I say it often but i say it in truth. How do I know?
 How could you be so divine with so many problems to face in this life?? YOU are human and we are all here on this earth to experience ALL elements of this earth, love, joy, pain, excitement, family, whatever--each of us have our own map to follow.
For you NOT to be depressed, you have to erase the word from your vocabulary...use another like..i am feeling so challenged today.
 Don't allow negative words or people in your life...even if it means being alone until you find new friends, mates or family substitutes!! Life is hard but don't take it personal--we all go through something at sometime!!! The universe does not pick on one person, it has lessons, great, ugly and bad for ALL of us!! How you work through them or learn from them is the divine part, this will tell you how much charector you have! You must always believe that feeling down is only temporary--even slaves and those in the holocaust found  a second to laugh or smile at something...don't dwell on what you cannot change and if you can change it--get to work!!! You are needed: someone would not be here without you! Someone would die, cry or kill without you in their lives, you do matter most-don't forget it and spread love to someone today, call a friend that comforts you. When all else fails and you have no one look to the sky and tell the universe "thanks for my life, no matter where i am at" because i have life, i can always get more, do more and be more...xo Tanya

I thank the universe for you, because you are reading my blog which means I am doing something, we all love you and know you are important to the universe!!

hi blog family!

So i know this is out of blog way you know how valuable laughter is in your life? think your funny or want to be the next Dave Chapell, Jay leno, Dave letterman? mention my name and you get a FREE class at the comedy school!! Former foster kids tend to have the best humor and it is often hidden. I know it sounds crazy but if you ever wanted to be a comedian, here is your chance to take a free class in NYC and see if its for you! come on I know you got the funny!!!

smile, someone is watching you and you are a blessing to this world!!xo Tanya