
Friday, July 20, 2012

Scholarship launched for young adults in foster care

Scholarship launched for young adults in foster care the deadline for 2013 will be April 1,2013, we encourage those without family after foster care to apply and those aging out!
Hi blog family!
advice today:

"Only YOU can let yourself down!" We often forget people are human and our mates, kids, friends and workers will only act in a way that we allow. So if your being abused, neglected or forgotten, ask yourself, what am I doing to correct this? Hold people accountable for their actions...good and bad..and always hold YOURSELF responsible for ALL good things in your life!
Have a great day and smile, someone is watching you!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

being your own inspiration in hard times

hi blog family!
 As I sit here in one of my brother's favorite parks, I think hard as his 44th birthday is July 22nd and he died June 10th...He was my only true inspiration in hard times, the one person I knew that would not judge me and always my advocate..
I often ask myself, How can I be better and grow with no family? how can I inspire others, ? Where do I find a place to recharge? I thank God i have found with age, acceptance, that it is what it is!! and I am not mad! lol... the next life I will pick a different set of parents!!!!

I have to always start with me, so this is for all of us who live this life with NO family - very hard usually family picks you up, bails you out, encourages, love you...when you have none, you have to learn how to do it yourself AND enjoy it and know its all ok..this is OUR life to learn from..
We were born alone, and we will die alone but while were here, find ways and new friends to inspire yourself daily!!

I hope your all enjoying summer. Between hot weather and job hunting for work in television, it has been interesting!
For those who have been out of work, ( i.e. job with benefits and ONE, Please keep faith!
Times are great for some and challenging for others right now. The rich continue to get rich and the poor or middle, continue to get cut.....BUT that does NOT exclude you from the pie!! You have every right to find a way to make as much money as you wish!
I challenge myself daily to step up my game, NOT to keep up with the Jone's....(cause no one can but to be the BEST me, and that means making enough money to be healthy, happy and sustaining!
This has been a challenge I faced since motherhood, especially single motherhood!!
This is why I travel around telling youth NOT to get pregnant before you complete your financial and spiritual goals, especially by someone who will not be there 150%!!! When you do, you have two lives to work on and yours becomes back burner!!
So how do you inspire yourself when times are hard? Money low? No money? No quality life?
YOU GET UP, GET OUT, and DO SOMETHING!!!! (Macy gray)
1. MENTAL ACTION!! think of what YOU are good at! What do YOU want out of this life? WHO can stop you or help?
 is key to success!
2. WRITE DOWN your goals
 for the day, week, month or year!! when you write it becomes reality quicker and you hold yourself liable to the pen and paper!!! write what prevents you from doing it, why? what do you NEED to start?
Starting now! Go get the beads to start your jewelry line! Go get a pad to start writing your book! Go sing your first song and record it on tape or your phone!!!
4. MAKE NO EXCUSES!! Life is short and has many people, places and things available to you IF you ask and receive help!! Nothing will COME to YOU - you must GO GET IT!!!
Always use, integrity, honor , respect and be considerate of other humans....what goes around comes around....just live long enough to see it!!!
GO SEE THE WORLD, MAKE MONEY, MAKE NEW FRIENDS, LIVE the life GOD wanted you to live--THE BEST!!!!xo