
Thursday, June 30, 2011

advice for those entering a new group or foster home

the above is the link to my self help book for teens: surviving foster care and making it work for you!! Every teen in foster care should get a copy!! If you aged out, get one, you will learn new things! 

Hi blog family! i have a video advice on 1st day at new foster home or group home or halfway house! click:

have a great day and smile, someone is watching you!
xo Tanya

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

journals for healing

Hi blog family!

summer is in full effect! kids are off at camp, college is on breatk and you may be having too much time on your hands to have pity parties!! I would like for you to know that writing, heals all wounds!!! I started writing around 12 but realized the power of writing around 20.
When i am bored, angry, happy or just stuck, I write! Go out and get a journal today. if your money is low go to the dollar store and buy a 99cent composition notebook--it works just as well!!  If you are older teach your kids how to write as a release and to create... just have them write, every day...this way they can release any feelings..keep another journal for creative things, like writing comedy or screenplays, poetry... if you write in your regular journal EVERYday for a few minutes, you will enjoy writing for creative things like poetry, songs, plays... writing releases stress and clears your head of pass drama....write, write write....
to all my blog readers, especially my young teens...enjoy your summer, stay away from trouble and run to peace, joy and good postive people!! xo Tanya

Thursday, June 23, 2011

surviving foster care & making it work for you

my new book for foster teens is available at:
hi blog family! look at this post from yahoo. I know i hate to copy post BUT I want you all (all my blogs) to read it and know that life is something we should ALWAYS value, even when hard times hit, when we lose a love one, when you have no job, facing eviction- STILL keep your head high and know that, miracles can happen at ANY time in your life....I call this: "The last minute miracle".... read and understand life is like playing baseball (to a woman that is NOT in love with baseball)....long, boring, low scores BUT just when you think your not interested......someone hits a home run! Then your awake and ready to watch for more action....a true fan (like a lover of life) will always be expecting something good to happen, even when your team is down and looking bad....never, ever give up hope, keep faith the size of a mustard seed!! check out this article!!

Homeless man with inheritance suffered tragedy

SALT LAKE CITY – A homeless man whose rags-to-riches story made international headlines suffered a devastating family tragedy decades ago that may have led to his life on the streets of Salt Lake City.
A friend tells the Deseret News that Max Melitzer's wife and two friends were killed in a 1990 car crash. Melitzer was driving and, according to Karol Behling, hasn't been the same since.
Behling says Melitzer was deeply affected by the death of his wife, Janice, and his life as a transient seemed to begin after the accident. Last week, a private investigator tracked down Melitzer to deliver the life-altering news of a sizable inheritance left by a brother who died last year of cancer.
Melitzer has since left Utah to reunite with family in New York, whom he hadn't been in contact with in months.
Behling's deceased husband, Steve, knew Melitzer for more than 20 years.
"He was very much in love with his wife, I believe. And it was really hard for him — one, to have her gone and, two, to have been driving," Behling recalled Tuesday. "I'm sure that affected him a lot, and I'm sure he missed his wife a lot."
In July 1990, Melitzer was driving through Wyoming when he lost control of his car, killing his wife and two passengers, the Deseret News reports.
Behling said she recalls Melitzer lost his apartment after the crash and bounced from place to place between Ogden and Salt Lake City.
Behling last saw Melitzer in December, when he visited her husband in the hospital. She said she was surprised to hear Melitzer's family was looking for him, because he never spoke of having any family.
"I hope this works out. And I hope his family is truly interested in him because he's a good guy," Behling said.
Melitzer's family recently hired a New York law firm in an effort to locate him, and the law firm contracted with investigator David Lundberg.
Neither Lundberg nor the lawyers have disclosed the amount Melitzer will receive.
"He'd have money where he could take care of himself or hire someone to take care of him," Lundberg said. "Apparently, he does have some emotional issues. The family just wants to make sure he's set up and he's taken care of."
Others who know Melitzer say he was an example to those around him.
"He takes donations of bread and other things like that, and he tries to donate them to my ministry," said Jason Florez, who runs the homeless ministry at Mountain View Christian Assembly of God church in Sandy. "He just happens to be one of the purest hearts of all the homeless people we bring in and come and see."
Florez gave one of the critical tips Lundberg that led to finding Melitzer at Pioneer Park in downtown Salt Lake City last Saturday. He said he saw a television news report highlighting the search for Melitzer.
"I was sitting next to my wife, and I couldn't even talk. I said, `That's Max,'" Florez recalled.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wallace D. Wattles--on getting rich chapt 10

hi blog family!
this was taken from Wallace D. Wattles, a great thinker who stated there is a science to getting rich..this is just some of the can read it for free google and search....
I want foster kids to stop believing life "will get better when they get to heaven" (often taught in our churches growing up)...your heaven is now and YOU will be the source of your richness!!! think big, choose wisely and never compete!!! You are a creator with vision not a follower and not like any other!! xo Tanya

You must want real life, not mere pleasure of sensual gratification. Life is the performance of function; and the individual really lives only when he performs every function, physical, mental, and spiritual, of which he is capable, without excess in any.
You do not want to get rich in order to live swinishly, for the gratification of animal desires; that is not life. But the performance of every physical function is a part of life, and no one lives completely who denies the impulses of the body a normal and healthful expression.
You do not want to get rich solely to enjoy mental pleasures, to get knowledge, to gratify ambition, to outshine others, to be famous. All these are a legitimate part of life, but the man who lives for the pleasures of the intellect alone will only have a partial life, and he will never be satisfied with his lot.
You do not want to get rich solely for the good of others, to lose yourself for the salvation of mankind, to experience the joys of philanthropy and sacrifice. The joys of the soul are only a part of life; and they are no better or nobler than any other part.
You want to get rich in order that you may eat, drink, and be merry when it is time to do these things; in order that you may surround yourself with beautiful things, see distant lands, feed your mind, and develop your intellect; in order that you may love men and do kind things, and be able to play a good part in helping the world to find truth.
But remember that extreme altruism is no better and no nobler than extreme selfishness; both are mistakes.
Get rid of the idea that God wants you to sacrifice yourself for others, and that you can secure his favor by doing so; God requires nothing of the kind.
What he wants is that you should make the most of yourself, for yourself, and for others; and you can help others more by making the most of yourself than in any other way.
You can make the most of yourself only by getting rich; so it is right and praiseworthy that you should give your first and best thought to the work of acquiring wealth.
Remember, however, that the desire of Substance is for all, and its movements must be for more life to all; it cannot be made to work for less life to any, because it is equally in all, seeking riches and life.
Intelligent Substance will make things for you, but it will not take things away from some one else and give them to you.
You must get rid of the thought of competition. You are to create, not to compete for what is already created.
You do not have to take anything away from any one.
You do not have to drive sharp bargains.
You do not have to cheat, or to take advantage. You do not need to let any man work for you for less than he earns.
You do not have to covet the property of others, or to look at it with wishful eyes; no man has anything of which you cannot have the like, and that without taking what he has away from him.
You are to become a creator, not a competitor; you are going to get what you want, but in such a way that when you get it every other man will have more than he has now.
I am aware that there are men who get a vast amount of money by proceeding in direct opposition to the statements in the paragraph above, and may add a word of explanation here. Men of the plutocratic type, who become very rich, do so sometimes purely by their extraordinary ability on the plane of competition; and sometimes they unconsciously relate themselves to Substance in its great purposes and movements for the general racial upbuilding through industrial evolution. Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, et al., have been the unconscious agents of the Supreme in the necessary work of systematizing and organizing productive industry; and in the end, their work will contribute immensely toward increased life for all. Their day is nearly over; they have organized production, and will soon be succeeded by the agents of the multitude, who will organize the machinery of distribution.
The multi-millionaires are like the monster reptiles of the prehistoric eras; they play a necessary part in the evolutionary process, but the same Power which produced them will dispose of them. And it is well to bear in mind that they have never been really rich; a record of the private lives of most of this class will show that they have really been the most abject and wretched of the poor.
Riches secured on the competitive plane are never satisfactory and permanent; they are yours to-day, and another's tomorrow. Remember, if you are to become rich in a scientific and certain way, you must rise entirely out of the competitive thought. You must never think for a moment that the supply is limited. Just as soon as you begin to think that all the money is being "cornered" and controlled by bankers and others, and that you must exert yourself to get laws passed to stop this process, and so on; in that moment you drop into the competitive mind, and your power to cause creation is gone for the time being; and what is worse, you will probably arrest the creative movements you have already instituted.
KNOW that there are countless millions of dollars' worth of gold in the mountains of the earth, not yet brought to light; and know that if there were not, more would be created from Thinking Substance to supply your needs.
KNOW that the money you need will come, even if it is necessary for a thousand men to be led to the discovery of new gold mines to-morrow.
Never look at the visible supply; look always at the limitless riches in Formless Substance, and KNOW that they are coming to you as fast as you can receive and use them. Nobody, by cornering the visible supply, can prevent you from getting what is yours.
So never allow yourself to think for an instant that all the best building spots will be taken before you get ready to build your house, unless you hurry. Never worry about the trusts and combines, and get anxious for fear they will soon come to own the whole earth. Never get afraid that you will lose what you want because some other person "beats you to it." That cannot possibly happen; you are not seeking any thing that is possessed by anybody else; you are causing what you want to be created from formless Substance, and the supply is without limits. Stick to the formulated statement:--
There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.
A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

its a new day, find your siblings!

hi blog family!

have you been keeping in touch with your siblings? Even if you were seperated, it may be time to look them up!
It has to cross your mind what are they doing?
I know I had to find my brother and sister, still searching for my brother who was adopted to a family around 3 yrs old in Elmsford, NY..His name is Mark he was born in Oct around 1971..

You can never give up looking for a sibling because they may be right in the next few towns...
Your sibliling are a part of you and there is nothing wrong with trying to find them!
 Now that my other baby brother has died, i am really on a mission to find Mark!
I promised Rob before he died (in fact we were going to do a documentry to find him a few weeks before Rob died)..that i would find Mark and my father...who lives in Long Island...

we must keep track of our family that is searchable, even if we don't want to see them again, atleast find them, have closure...and if you cannot find them....that's ok too!! atleast try...start with your mom's birth certificate/name...go to vital records in your area...if you have names of grandparents, you can go to archives in some places... I hope to one day go to New Orleans and get my family records, I was lucky my birth grandma told me what she knew before she passed when I was 19...i got to see her again, even though my mom gave up her rights, when I was 17 ONLY because my mother was in a coma and they requested to see us 4 ( only 3 showed, Mark was adopted):(
I have enough info to do a family tree, as far back as Paris, England and Africa Cote De Voir.....I wonder if this was why I fell in love with Paris the first time I modeled and lived there in the 80' should wonder, its nice to know, even if you dont get the answers, try...and then move on...
have a blessed day and your ancestors came across many waters...(some where here, Sioux, Cherekee, etc..Moors)..we should be thankful to them for risking and changing their lives to save ours, we should be only looking for a bettter future than our parents may have gave us!! Keep siblings togeather, facebook, skyp, you tube, really there is no excuse NOt to see a sibling today.....xo Tanya

Monday, June 13, 2011

message delivered!

Hi blog family!

The message was delivered in AZ-support transitional housing or many leaving foster care will end up homeless! In the end we all pay through treatment programs, welfare, therapy, shelter, or the morgue, support youth aging out of foster care by giving them a home and shadowing them until they are 25...even then keep track of our youth, then we can see if the systems are working! more later Tanya

Friday, June 10, 2011

letting anger motivate you

Hi blog family!

I remeber my first day in foster care!
being taken away from my home, 
no matter how neglected 
or starved we were,
 it was still home...
I remember getting in the car 
with the social worker and 
waving goodbye to the nice police officer, 
I remember my first drive.
Sitting in an old office, 
lots of paperwork, 
no one really talking to us, 
eccept to ask where is mommy or
 when was the last time we saw her, 
I remember like yesterday..
Hunger, gripping my stomach, 
i had not eaten since yesterday, 
I miss that pancake mix, 
My sis, always there for us, 
making us feel safe while she was around. holding my brother's hand...
time to go.. wonder where? wonder when mom is coming back?
 the plastic bag...
off in a car to our first "group home they say...
 I remember the ride in the car... looking out the back of the car the street narrows and everything is farther away...but  something new is closer.....
I am angry,
 i don't know why mom has not come home in weeks....
maybe longer...she is "very sick" those people say...
someone should get her a doctor!!

by: little Tanya

 i don't know why she did not come back for us..but I do know ... i do know, i am grateful to her for NOT aborting, killing or selling me!!! For not leaving me on a step! So many kids did NOT make it to foster care!! no matter what happend is was NOT your fault AND you should be grateful for your life, you can always start over every day you wake!!! You are here for a reason, to help others to save or change a life!! 
I know my mom's addictions was serious and there was NO help back in the 60's and 70's, I know it was hard for a woman to make it with no family support and a husband back from war, dismantled.....I know at that time, i was angry! But this is good!!

that anger would be the reason i fight for so many foster kids today!
 I never forget that moment, why?
 Because as long as I feel like it is yesterday, I can feel other foster kids pain and it can motivate me to take action and help!
Some of you may have left foster care, what are you doing to not only stay more than alive BUT to help others in the system? Let all of your anger, sadness and disapoinment spark the activisim in you!
 Start a blog, write a book, screenplay, create art...whatever...just do something to help others still in.
 We cannot rely on any person OR "system" that makes money on you to be your comfort"!

 We must wakeup, stop feeling sorry for our situations and make other kids feel their is hope!
I know some of us are focusing on the abuse, neglect or abandonment issues that got us in care BUT you must remember: you are still alive, you made it! now its time to help others and minimize your pain and suffering by going to therapy, work all those issues out in the chair AND then you can help others....
life is a lesson for all of us, what did you learn?
how can you be of service to others in the same situation?
You did not deserve to go through what you went through but remember you must go through SOMETHING in this life to learn and share...and become something....your body is only temporary, the mind and the good deeds you do for others are forever...because they will pass it it forward....learn to turn your stories and your anger into positive actions!!!

 you are loved,
blessed and the universe needs you!
 xo Tanya

Sunday, June 5, 2011

fosterkidsonly: Message delivered!

fosterkidsonly: Message delivered!: "Hi blog family! National foster care awareness month was a major success! Thank you to those who attended the event and to you reading. ..."