
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

abusive relationships

Hi blog family!

I saw that a young lady was gunned down by her baby's father yesterday and thought i should go over relationships-one more time, (1st was with Rhianna and Chris Brown).

I will give MY views on early signs of an abuser...or mate/friend that is NOT good for you! 

1st. in ANY one should be yelling at you!!!
 have ears to hear and God made you a voice to use and a mind to use...
2. checking your phone, want to know who is calling, why, when--even family!!!
3. showing up in places you did not invite them too!! stalker
4. asking over and over the same question, where were you etc....interrogation!!!
5. telling you insults- how "ugly, stupid, fat, lazy etc..... repeatedly!!! trying to put you down (at first they may not do it the first date but if you listen, usually you will see a sign the 1st day!!!!!!! (think back real hard)..
6. Pushing, shoving, hitting, etc... NO ONE has a right to put their hands on you!!! Even if you are caught in a situation with another mate---NO one should EVER hit you (if you are DEFENDING/PROTECTING yourself, that is different!!! You are a human being and you were made DIFFERENT than animals because YOU have a MOUTH!!!! Talking is how you solve problems, not violence and anyone who says different, RUN!!!! This world is lacking love and understanding and until we realize WAR of ANY kind NEVER solves problems... we will always be back at square one!!

Think: if war solved problems or fighting--why does it produce revenge  and hatred that last for hundreds of years (Israel and Palestine, just ONE example)...
war / fighting never solves anything DO NOT waste your precious life fighting anyone or being in the company of violent beings!!! xoxo
You are special and loved- smile, someone is watching you!!!!! Tanya

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!