Hi blog family!
I know I posted the video below..again...much needed, especially after hearing about the baby that was beaten to death-- by the mothers boyfriend!
I won' let this stay a sad note because I am telling you again--THE SIGNS ARE ALWAYS THERE!!!
When you meet a guy, he should never meet your kid/s until you know him inside and out! If he is abusive to you--he more than likely will also be abusive to your children--infact be very careful if ANYONE could have the heart to beat you--hit you--in front of your children! This is a clear sign that this person has no values or limits...and your children should be off limit for even yelling!!! If you are a single parent holding it down--goood for you, you signed up for parenthood and YOU must stay strong--even when times are hard. If your not a fighter who knows how to pick good mates, why would your child be?? Abuse is a pattern that is passed on to other generations--You can stop it by choosing mates!! RIP littleman
xo Tanya

This is a place where you can come for advice or a kind word. If you are in a group home, Foster care or had no family due to any circumstance, There are many things you may not have learned. I hope to motivate change in your life! If you have no family to inspire you on bad days, you may find something here to show you how to get out of your bubble and "take back your life! * These words are my opinions only and based on my 16 years in foster care! FosterKidsUniteInc@gmail.com
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
back to school Reminder about energy, friends & negative people
Hi blog family!
I know it's been a minute but I knew the kids started school and you have alot of work!
I want to remind you how to attract good friends at work and deal with negative people at work (or home)lol.......I hope you paid attention in science when they talked about energy!!
Remember: everything on this earth...is made of energy
you are a ball of energy...some of us show it all the time, some only when happy or excited.
I want you to do an experiment: (you don't have to tell anyone just do it)...
1. go into a room (if you have kids try it with them) extremely happy, smiling, feeling great and watch everyone in the room shift their energy....
*once in while you get a person that is just plain "low" on energy, maybe in there house there was no excited moments...that's ok, worry about you and your kids),
2. pay attention to how they looked before you came in and after you bought in all that good positive energy...
.3. I bet they are smiling or atleast feeling more upbeat...
this "feeling" works for anything you do in life-- so try to always "feel" good, (tell yourself every morning that you won $50 million)--hold that feeling as if you really won...that will keep your energy up!!!
When your trying to attract new people in your life that are good and positive....it is imporant that you show that trait by trying to always have a smile on your face and a good word to say....to anyone...positive energy attracts positive energy.....negative energy attracts.....negative!
Stay away from anyone who is'Toxic"--mean, negative, arrogant, evil....whatever you want to call them, they complain all the time and they never have answers or solutions to a problem, they are always jelous, envy or greedy or angry----they only add by fighting, cursing, saying bad negative things, they always looking for the worse--stay away...they will DRAIN your positive energy and shift it to negative...now you will have an attitude or be mad! If you have kids who are negative--shift them to positive by displaying postive yourself...they learned from someone in the home....if you were in a group home or negative foster home--that's where u got it from--it's ok..just change it NOW!!!! it only takes 5 seconds!!! yes, just a shift of your mind and you "feeling" good!!!
when everyone around you is negative..........
Donot let ANYONE steal your postive energy--you can share it to pick someone up or make someone smile but DO NOT let someone turn your energy into negative! not even your family or kids!!!!
You do that by always being upbeat, positive, always coming up with a good solution to a problem, not complaining, FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF or worrying but thinking the BEST thing will happen in a situation--BECAUSE YOU DEMAND THE BEST SOLUTION!!.
ok, next topic............lol
I know it's been a minute but I knew the kids started school and you have alot of work!
I want to remind you how to attract good friends at work and deal with negative people at work (or home)lol.......I hope you paid attention in science when they talked about energy!!
Remember: everything on this earth...is made of energy
you are a ball of energy...some of us show it all the time, some only when happy or excited.
I want you to do an experiment: (you don't have to tell anyone just do it)...
1. go into a room (if you have kids try it with them) extremely happy, smiling, feeling great and watch everyone in the room shift their energy....
*once in while you get a person that is just plain "low" on energy, maybe in there house there was no excited moments...that's ok, worry about you and your kids),
2. pay attention to how they looked before you came in and after you bought in all that good positive energy...
.3. I bet they are smiling or atleast feeling more upbeat...
this "feeling" works for anything you do in life-- so try to always "feel" good, (tell yourself every morning that you won $50 million)--hold that feeling as if you really won...that will keep your energy up!!!
When your trying to attract new people in your life that are good and positive....it is imporant that you show that trait by trying to always have a smile on your face and a good word to say....to anyone...positive energy attracts positive energy.....negative energy attracts.....negative!
Stay away from anyone who is'Toxic"--mean, negative, arrogant, evil....whatever you want to call them, they complain all the time and they never have answers or solutions to a problem, they are always jelous, envy or greedy or angry----they only add by fighting, cursing, saying bad negative things, they always looking for the worse--stay away...they will DRAIN your positive energy and shift it to negative...now you will have an attitude or be mad! If you have kids who are negative--shift them to positive by displaying postive yourself...they learned from someone in the home....if you were in a group home or negative foster home--that's where u got it from--it's ok..just change it NOW!!!! it only takes 5 seconds!!! yes, just a shift of your mind and you "feeling" good!!!
when everyone around you is negative..........
Donot let ANYONE steal your postive energy--you can share it to pick someone up or make someone smile but DO NOT let someone turn your energy into negative! not even your family or kids!!!!
You do that by always being upbeat, positive, always coming up with a good solution to a problem, not complaining, FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF or worrying but thinking the BEST thing will happen in a situation--BECAUSE YOU DEMAND THE BEST SOLUTION!!.
ok, next topic............lol
I hope your meeting new friends that are going places....HOW WILL I KNOW????
they are usually upbeat and happy,
they go to class,
help you with homework questions,
encourage you to pick your head up--EVEN WHEN THINGS LOOK BAD!!
1. if they are violent and make you mad---walk away for now breath and then address it at a calmer time.
2. if they just never agree with you...do what the boss wants, always smile and keep that "million dollar smile"-- ALL day !!! Don't let anyone steal your joy---- no one can hate on a smiling person or a happy person!!
they are usually upbeat and happy,
they go to class,
help you with homework questions,
encourage you to pick your head up--EVEN WHEN THINGS LOOK BAD!!
1. if they are violent and make you mad---walk away for now breath and then address it at a calmer time.
2. if they just never agree with you...do what the boss wants, always smile and keep that "million dollar smile"-- ALL day !!! Don't let anyone steal your joy---- no one can hate on a smiling person or a happy person!!
just try it, if you stand your happy ground---what can they say??
kill people with kindness or atleast with a smile....
if it's really bad i told take a walk, breath, stay positive and calm.... You are the master of your brain----you can do it on your own with positive energy....energy attracts energy..positive always wins!!!!
ok, you had a very important lesson today, i know its alot but I have to keep reminding you about energy becaue everything you do in this life--requires energy!!
If you want to be on top or just keep living a quality life with endless hopes and possiblities--stay positive and happy--even when it seems like things are bad---keep your energy up....always feel like you won $50million dollars and your going to pick up the check now!!!!
You are loved special and the universe loves and needs you--cause you are it!!!! smile, someone is watching.....
You are loved special and the universe loves and needs you--cause you are it!!!! smile, someone is watching.....
Thursday, September 16, 2010
heaped shingles

look at the pic....
it may look like a bunch of boards to you, but look closer,
each piece was used to make a great house,
shed or barn at one time.
Just like these shingles,
you must remember that you are unique and special-that you are needed to complete a mission that will help others.
Learn to appreciate the beauty in ALL things, no matter how small.
This photo was taken by Elizabeth G. --an writer/artist with a great eye for detail!
Who would have thought to see the beauty in a shingle--or wood??? Look at yourself this way--you may think because you were in foster care that you are not special--I am here to tell you --you are special with a divine purpose! You made it this far, the universe has many plans for you!
Learn to accept your own inner and outer beauty and learn how to let your light shine so that like this wood, others can appreciate you and know your value- you are loved, divine and special!
have a great friday and be thinking about how to have a productive, fun weekend...go to the museum, play a sport, ride a bike, take a hike, but don't sit around on facebook all day, (unless you are on google trying to see how to start your own business)...lolll
!!! xo Tanya
Sunday, September 12, 2010
on meds and want to get off?
Hi blog family!
I want all of you who are on medication to know that---you can get off! I am not a doctor and I donnot know everyone's situation but I know many people who were on hardcore meds and got off. I believe if you are suicidal or homicidal--you may need meds because we don't want you hurting yourself or anyone else over an illusion or a problem that seemed important--but was not worth you going to jail or heaven early!!
You have to learn to meditate--why? becaue it helps you clear your head of extra voices, thoughts, ideas and garbage!!
The brain is thinking ALL the time!!! In my opinion no one is "crazy" they just allowed too many thoughts to enter--that were bad thoughts and they allowed their spirit to die--the "thing" that tells you not to do something because it is bad... follow me.... We all have had crazy thoughts or thoughts that we knew could get us in the mental ward if we followed the thought---so with that no one is "crazy" they just listen to the bad or evil spirits--which could come from childhood issues that were never talked about...mental, physical or sexual abuse etc.. the mind is reacting to a trauma and sometimes I believe people create other charectors in their head to protect themselves from the pain they are having....
If you are a person on meds for depression, bipolar, anxiety, whatever the reason...if you do mental conditioning..(retraining your brain...anthony robbins,, awaken the giant--read it__) you CAN get off meds BUT you have to do month, sometimes years of work..depending on how long you supressed your feelings of anger, helplessness, fear etc..... it does not happen overnight and you will be doing mental work to get through!
THere are people who will always need meds--and that is ok --if you are going to therapy and really sharing to help yourself with past issues...the mind can do ANYTHING you want it too....ask those who survived the holocausst and slavery (well the ancestors)....how were they able after being abused for years in camps and prisioners of war--how were they able to function during and after the abuse??? they did it with thier mnds!!! Nelson Mandela, how did he release his anger, fear and go on to run a great country..(that was taken)...??? so many people have survived being "out of their minds" during an autrosoty--so can you... take the word depression out of your language--replace it with "I am being challenged today"....don't let anyone tell you how you feel!!! start by telling yourself you are grateful for your life and a chance to go out and change the world EVERy day you get up and breadth---many did not make it through the night!! the universe needs you--wake up and take back your life!!
Stay positive-start youtubing self help guru's like anthony robbins--change your mind--change your life!!
I want all of you who are on medication to know that---you can get off! I am not a doctor and I donnot know everyone's situation but I know many people who were on hardcore meds and got off. I believe if you are suicidal or homicidal--you may need meds because we don't want you hurting yourself or anyone else over an illusion or a problem that seemed important--but was not worth you going to jail or heaven early!!
You have to learn to meditate--why? becaue it helps you clear your head of extra voices, thoughts, ideas and garbage!!
The brain is thinking ALL the time!!! In my opinion no one is "crazy" they just allowed too many thoughts to enter--that were bad thoughts and they allowed their spirit to die--the "thing" that tells you not to do something because it is bad... follow me.... We all have had crazy thoughts or thoughts that we knew could get us in the mental ward if we followed the thought---so with that no one is "crazy" they just listen to the bad or evil spirits--which could come from childhood issues that were never talked about...mental, physical or sexual abuse etc.. the mind is reacting to a trauma and sometimes I believe people create other charectors in their head to protect themselves from the pain they are having....
If you are a person on meds for depression, bipolar, anxiety, whatever the reason...if you do mental conditioning..(retraining your brain...anthony robbins,, awaken the giant--read it__) you CAN get off meds BUT you have to do month, sometimes years of work..depending on how long you supressed your feelings of anger, helplessness, fear etc..... it does not happen overnight and you will be doing mental work to get through!
THere are people who will always need meds--and that is ok --if you are going to therapy and really sharing to help yourself with past issues...the mind can do ANYTHING you want it too....ask those who survived the holocausst and slavery (well the ancestors)....how were they able after being abused for years in camps and prisioners of war--how were they able to function during and after the abuse??? they did it with thier mnds!!! Nelson Mandela, how did he release his anger, fear and go on to run a great country..(that was taken)...??? so many people have survived being "out of their minds" during an autrosoty--so can you... take the word depression out of your language--replace it with "I am being challenged today"....don't let anyone tell you how you feel!!! start by telling yourself you are grateful for your life and a chance to go out and change the world EVERy day you get up and breadth---many did not make it through the night!! the universe needs you--wake up and take back your life!!
Stay positive-start youtubing self help guru's like anthony robbins--change your mind--change your life!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
back to school-back to you!!??
Hi blog family!
Yes, I have been getting one ready for back to school...I am getting ready for my book as well, so I am sorry I have not written everyday..
As the kids get ready to go back to school, what are you getting ready for?
Have you made a new life plan?
wanted to change something that is not working in your life?
Had a goal and never followed it?
Well now is the time, the babies are off to school and its your time to shine.....or atleast it should be!
You have spent your life worrying about everyone else-- it is your time and you need to write out a plan. What you want to do in 5 years?
what resources do you need?
who do you need?
who do you need to get rid of that is stopping your progress? (abusive partners, negative friends etc..)
As you prepare your kids to do good in school- you should prepare to up your goals and how you can now:
lose the weight,
get the job,
get start the company,
find the new friends,
enjoy htis life-- right now,
remember there is no heaven in the sky, heaven is right here on earth...
but you must find it....
plan for a better tommorrow,
make no excuses,
the kids are in school now,
get your life on!!
Yes, I have been getting one ready for back to school...I am getting ready for my book as well, so I am sorry I have not written everyday..
As the kids get ready to go back to school, what are you getting ready for?
Have you made a new life plan?
wanted to change something that is not working in your life?
Had a goal and never followed it?
Well now is the time, the babies are off to school and its your time to shine.....or atleast it should be!
You have spent your life worrying about everyone else-- it is your time and you need to write out a plan. What you want to do in 5 years?
what resources do you need?
who do you need?
who do you need to get rid of that is stopping your progress? (abusive partners, negative friends etc..)
As you prepare your kids to do good in school- you should prepare to up your goals and how you can now:
lose the weight,
get the job,
get start the company,
find the new friends,
enjoy htis life-- right now,
remember there is no heaven in the sky, heaven is right here on earth...
but you must find it....
plan for a better tommorrow,
make no excuses,
the kids are in school now,
get your life on!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
why me?
hi blog family!!
you see in the headlines today a man at the Discovery channel in MD took hostages--because he felt the programming was bogus...selling products rather than telling us how to be "green"...
what about the mother that threw her toddler in the water....so she could get even with her husband for leaving her??
well I feel sorry for these people and I can tell you how NOT to end up like them.............don't think why me?
Start with why not me and by realizing WE all go through something in life and we have to VALUE life and VALUE others lives along with the universe!!!
If you really understand how to value - then you can see why I feel it is your most important tool for fighting pity parties, depression, homicidal/suicidal thought and the many other feelings from "things" that happen to us in life.
Often we want to have pity parties or blame others but look inside and value, respect YOU and what was naturally put on this earth..
once you see that vision you can always get through anything.
This lady and man felt hopless and had no regard for others nor themselves. How do you throw a toddler over a bridge>??? SELFISHNESS! how do you take someone hostage who has NOTHING to do with your cause..SELFISHNESS!! Your life is valuable in everyway--to you and to others!!!
no matter what we go through in this life remember there will be other lives and this is only temperary, you don't need to kill yourself or others, believe me you will go- on your own when the universe feels you did what you needed to do or that you are not going to act on what you were given to you!!
WOrk on how to destress.. walk, talk, sports, writing, reading, singing, meditating---
.times are hard and people are scared....
everyone is watching our economy (but the evil 8% who have all the wealth or those who planned well and that's ok --you have to stay focused on staying postive and when you hear stories like this remember while none of us are far removed, this is not the kind of action you take to get attention--the action you take is working on you, finding your gifts and talents that can bring you extra money...and just learn to enjoy you and yours, without all the frills...I think you deserve the best but if you cannot right now or times seem hard, focus on what you DO have and how grateful we are to be amongst the living.... we all are worth something to the universe and each other, respect ALL life and all creatures, especially yourself enough to know times always can get better and you can pull through anyting, if you hold on long enough..... smile, someone is watching...Tanya
you see in the headlines today a man at the Discovery channel in MD took hostages--because he felt the programming was bogus...selling products rather than telling us how to be "green"...
what about the mother that threw her toddler in the water....so she could get even with her husband for leaving her??
well I feel sorry for these people and I can tell you how NOT to end up like them.............don't think why me?
Start with why not me and by realizing WE all go through something in life and we have to VALUE life and VALUE others lives along with the universe!!!
If you really understand how to value - then you can see why I feel it is your most important tool for fighting pity parties, depression, homicidal/suicidal thought and the many other feelings from "things" that happen to us in life.
Often we want to have pity parties or blame others but look inside and value, respect YOU and what was naturally put on this earth..
once you see that vision you can always get through anything.
This lady and man felt hopless and had no regard for others nor themselves. How do you throw a toddler over a bridge>??? SELFISHNESS! how do you take someone hostage who has NOTHING to do with your cause..SELFISHNESS!! Your life is valuable in everyway--to you and to others!!!
no matter what we go through in this life remember there will be other lives and this is only temperary, you don't need to kill yourself or others, believe me you will go- on your own when the universe feels you did what you needed to do or that you are not going to act on what you were given to you!!
WOrk on how to destress.. walk, talk, sports, writing, reading, singing, meditating---
.times are hard and people are scared....
everyone is watching our economy (but the evil 8% who have all the wealth or those who planned well and that's ok --you have to stay focused on staying postive and when you hear stories like this remember while none of us are far removed, this is not the kind of action you take to get attention--the action you take is working on you, finding your gifts and talents that can bring you extra money...and just learn to enjoy you and yours, without all the frills...I think you deserve the best but if you cannot right now or times seem hard, focus on what you DO have and how grateful we are to be amongst the living.... we all are worth something to the universe and each other, respect ALL life and all creatures, especially yourself enough to know times always can get better and you can pull through anyting, if you hold on long enough..... smile, someone is watching...Tanya
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