
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

why me?

hi blog family!!

you see in the headlines today a man at the Discovery channel in MD took hostages--because he felt the programming was bogus...selling products rather than telling us how to be "green"...
what about the mother that threw her toddler in the she could get even with her husband for leaving her??
well I feel sorry for these people and I can tell you how NOT to end up like them.............don't think why me?
Start with why not me and by realizing WE all go through something in life and we have to VALUE life and VALUE others lives along with the universe!!!
If you really understand how to value - then you can see why I feel it is your most important tool for fighting pity parties,  depression, homicidal/suicidal thought and the many other feelings from "things" that happen to us in life.
Often we want to have pity parties or blame others but look inside and value, respect YOU and what was naturally put on this earth..
once you see that vision you can always get through anything.

This lady and man felt hopless and had no regard for others nor themselves. How do you throw a toddler over a bridge>??? SELFISHNESS! how do you take someone hostage who has NOTHING to do with your cause..SELFISHNESS!! Your life is valuable in everyway--to you and to others!!!
 no matter what we go through in this life remember there will be other lives and this is only temperary, you don't need to kill yourself or others, believe me you will go-  on your own when the universe feels you did what you needed to do or that you are not going to act on what you were given to you!!
WOrk on how to destress.. walk, talk, sports, writing, reading, singing, meditating---
.times are hard and people are scared....
 everyone is watching our economy (but the evil 8% who have all the wealth or those who planned well and that's ok --you have to stay focused on staying postive and when you hear stories like this remember while none of us are far removed, this is not the kind of action you take to get attention--the action you take is working on you, finding your gifts and talents that can bring you extra money...and just learn to enjoy you and yours, without all the frills...I think you deserve the best but if you cannot right now or times seem hard, focus on what you DO have and how grateful we are to be amongst the living.... we all are worth something to the universe and each other, respect ALL life and all creatures, especially yourself enough to know times always can get better and you can pull through anyting, if you hold on long enough..... smile, someone is watching...Tanya

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!