
Sunday, May 16, 2010

ways to spot depression, ways to get depression out of your life..

Hi blog family!
Just wanted to remind you about this ugly pops up often in life....

10 ways to spot depression, BEFORE it gets out of control!
1. sad all the time, even when things are good
2. overeating
3. dating people you know are bad for you, (abusive)
4. sleeping all the time
5. doing drugs OR drinking your problems away, addiction of any kind, food, sex, drugs etc...
6. letting yourself go, to the point it is unhealthy
7. feeling hopeless and helpless most of the time
8. being angry all the time or acting out with violent behavior/attitude...
9. trying to hurt yourself or others
10.mentally unstable, not paying your bills, going to work, feeding your kids, etc..

10 ways to delete depression from your life!

1. Take the word "depression" out of your vocabulary...don't ever use it, pick a new word that is still positive..example: " I feel "challenged" today or " I will have extra strength today to face any clouds that try to come in my life today". Redirect the feeling don't let it direct you...
2. Eat to live, not because there is food! (i got that from a book, "Eat to Live"..._
No guessing what to eat or how much just ask yourself: did this food come with the earth or did man have a hand? Potatoes could have been here but potatoe chips were not....cookies, licorice, icecream, all of these foods should be a treat maybe once a month...not to fill a void of loneliness or sadness.
3. Only date or have friends that think the world of you, how do you get them? GO OUT to good places like the museum, book readings, join a board that helps people,  whatever, just get out and let people see you and get to know you are great! But first you must tell yourself so until you believe it!
Don't waste your time with anyone that does not value YOU!
4. Spend every moment awake bettering yourself with reading, writing, walking or sports!
You should be happy to rise everyday--no matter what is going on,
You did not have to be here be grateful God allowed you one more time to find your life mission and help others!
 No matter how upset something makes you, think, "i am alive with my mind" and go from there, yes there will be test but again, this too shall pass....
5. Addiction is a serious problem the world is facing. I believe IF we talked more and procssed what happened in our lives that did not work, there may be less drug use!
Whatever issue you have, you must work through it so that it does not consume you mentally or send you off to the drug are only out of pain for a few minutes, the pain always comes back unless you grab it by the head and face it!!
I realize there are some who will die from addiction but they gave up at some point...You are worth the fight, never give up on yourself.
6. Always look your best, even in jeans, you never know who you will meet and it feels good knowing you look put togeather! You have to phych yourself out, that means in words, and dress!!
7. Nothing is hopeless! When I loss my brother, i wanted to feel hopeless but i had trained my mind too long to stay down to long and I know my brother would not want me to be in pain, so I decided i was not going to be hopeless, I was going to be helpful.....get busy helping others, children foster care programs, hospitals, there are plenty of places that need your won't have time for pity if you are busy helping others!
8. Be Happy! anger does nothing but drain your energy...who wants that? people attract to happy people and if they don' out for them if they are not happy...sadness is contagious!! Try to make happy contagious. When your angry you put negative vibes in the air, nothing can get done...
9. Love yourself, not hurt yourself! God did not put you here to destroy yourself with drugs, drinking, killing, or hatred. The universe has plans for you, you just have to figure out what they are God's most valuable gift to the earth, don't do anything that hurts you or your mind, body or soul!! we need you to help the next kid!!
10. "The mind is a terrible thing to waste".. that is the best saying i have heard! Use it and fill your mind with good, positive information...not to belittle yourself or hate yourself. You are loved, blessed and highly favored, know this and you shall never be "depressed again"...xo

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!