
Friday, May 14, 2010

health care crises, imagine what happens when you age out!

Hi blog family!
This blog could be seen as venting, but it is out of love for you I vent. Dental care in this country is a nightmare, and I experienced it first hand today!!

I am in need of dental work and went to several dentist in the area to see if I could work out a payment plan, because the plan i could afford.....sent me to dental quacks who had dirty offices, on youtube for misconduct, no assistant...leaving my mouth to answer a phone and then try to come back to my mouth with the same gloves!!
Ok what happend to Universal healthcare??
I am on this subject because I was in tears thinking, if someone has a heart problem and was in foster care or just has no extra money or good could die....
I know many people in this country do not have "Other resources to turn to for money in a health crises...what about those of us who use to be in foster care but we are over 30???
Is our life any less because of our situation?
I want to stress building resources and income for yourself so that you will not be put in this spot! Find ways to save for this type of occassion, and there will be many for most...
My child is covered under her fathers "good" insurance, but they want $250 deductable and me to pay $600 for copays....before the work is done!!! Do I get her work done first, they are permanent teeth...or do i take a chance on my cracked tooth and wisdom tooth hurting so bad my face hurts???
This is when your morals are tested, and they will be tested. For me, i live by honor and integrity, even if it means I don't get healthcare i need....
How is one to make a living honestly?
My heart goes out to the woman in Chappaqua who prostituted herself to earn money to "feed her kids" after her lawyer husband left her....
my heart goes out to the woman (first the child), who threw her child off a bridge....and then herself....because her husband left her and she felt she wanted to hurt him...
my heart goes out to all the young people selling drugs thinking they are making quick money....and last my heart goes out to those who work two and three jobs, leaving there kids home , only to still not make enough to get the healthcare they need...
In the end we all just want to survive and be happy. It is fustrating to be in "the best" country and not be able to get good healthcare, without selling your soul to the devil, stealing robbing or lying! What has this world come to when a "doctor" only thinks of his profits?
We must come up with a solution.  Keep your sanity, life is still worth it, even when we have to beg, borrow and pray!
THere is hope, in planning and saving, learning to live with less materialistic items in your life, learning to do preventive measures, like flossing, eating right, exercise...teach your children to eat right early and take care of their teeth, so that hopefully, they won't be stuck with no money for dentist...

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!