
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Do ou need therapy??

If you are at least 30 OR you have had any kids by now all childhood issues should be resurfacing...

I had a friend say to me when my child hood abuse resurfaced:
"whatever childhood issues you have not resolved by the time your 30, will haunt you like a ghost!"
 It took me years to understand what she was saying, but now I do and i want to share with you, especially if you were in foster care or come from an abusive or crazy home!
The point of this sharing is so that you can start your life, the way you want and be happy. Everyone deserves a quality life!
I will give you a warning: some of this may require you to do at a therapist, (especially if you are Bipolar or on Medication for depression or if you get down when you talk or remember your past).
It is ok to stop reading or print this out and bring with you to discuss later!
You are strong and you are now an adult, which means you survived and you are in charge now! Learning to talk or write your feelings down will help you live without medication and be honest with yourself, no longer having to cover for family or anyone who mistreated you.

1. Do you suffer from depression, (besides being sad when you don't have money or you did not get the job.)?
2. Are you always complaining, especially about certain people, family, friend, love, mate?
3. Do you do things to put yourself in danger; cutting, binge eating, not eating, attracting mates that beat you or call you out of your name?
4. Do you feel this sadness never goes away, are you always gloomy?
5. was your parents or careiver gloomy, mean, bad?
6. how do you feel about YOU? good bad ok etc..
These are just some questions that you have to truley answer to find if you have isues from childhood, THEY DO NOT HAVE TO BE SEXUAL or PYSICAL ABUSE! IT could have been mental, the way someone expected too much or too little or favored a sibling over you, all of these can effect you in adult hood, question is is it stopping you from everyday life? Dating? being a good parent, who is not yelling 90% of the tim, or a good friend who can interact with others and give as well as recieve advice, etc..??
ask yourself if anything happend in your childhood that made you upset, angry or depressed, (not because you did not get something or minor regular childhood woes...) whatever it was made you hold a grudge, that you have not let go of...
See if you need therapy, you can always just go talk for a few sessions and let them evaluate you...i want you to know this is your life and its all about you!
clean up ANY skeleton's and move on!
 Life is waiting for you and all you have to offer, share what gifts you have and help others ; painting, singing, writing, oranizing, etc....
get help if you need it, there is no excuse for staying in the past, you cannot move forward until you prosseced what  happen, why and how it effected you today.
We all have problems, lets say we all carry LUGGAGE, i carry a Louis Vitton, the best, don't walk around in life carrying a backpack or cheap bag, it may break, carry your past in something that will hold up during bad weather and lots of milage,
life is to be a long trip!
 xo Tanya

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!