
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Enery is flowing, where your attention is going..

Hi blog family!

I have been watching the DVD the secret, again!!!

"Energy flows, where attention goes."- by one of the speakers in the DVD.
They also said "Mother Teresa said: "Don't invite me to a anti-war rally, I will attend a Peace rally."

Both of these quotes are SO vital to you changing your way of thinking!
If you grew up in foster care, you spent alot of time you need to refocus on all the things in life you WANT to happen!

Write down all the things you want in your life: love, happiness, good health, car, job, $, whatever, DONOT write down anything that you don't want, only what you want and only the good things:

Say them in present tense and be specific: I can't wait to pick up my Mercedes or I want $20, 000 extra income before the year ends..(they say make it realistic to your talent, life, situation...)

LISTEN when it's time to take ACTION!! this is the number one reason for failure on your plan, you don't listen to your instinct..(also could  known as the universe or your spirit guide). The "thing" that tells you an idea, (write a book, make a piece of jewelry like no one else, sing like no one else, clean like no one else, organize..etc), this thing inspires you to do whatever your gift is better than anyone else and you end up creating something amazing....only to ignore it... for example: everyone says you have the best voice..and you wrote songs that everyone likes....problem: your friend wants you to be in his band...but you make excuses and never join....they become big and genereate money from you lost out because you did not listen to you, (this is only one example). Point: you must take action when your instinct is telling you to do something creative- sing, write, dance, organize, invent, create, travel, --even if your life is not going where you want it to go--CHANGE IT!!

We are all in charge of our own life--If you hate your job, look for another or create a job for yourself that brings in spend 40 hours a week helping your company be #1 why not invest in your own?

If you want a new mate....drop the old one, take a chance on being alone, you cannot attract a new mate until you rid yourself of old first!
If you want your kids to be "better", show them how, take them to the museum, show them the world, not your local area, talk to them kinder, you are the parent, teach them well and they will come back to that teaching...
The point is put your energy on all the things you want in your life NOT what you don't want, like the secret says: you are just attracting more of what you don't want when you think, speak or act on those things...xo Tanya

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!