
Friday, May 27, 2011


ok i admit i am NOT a techy!! i am talking like a bruce lee flick, but you get the point so watch!!

My book is ready at: surviving foster care and making it work for you!

Hi bog family!

for those that are in another group home: I did a short vid for you above but for those that like to read:

What are your priority's when you move to another home??

1. Be Safe
2. Make good choices on PPT: people you meet, places you go and the things you do in your spare time - your time is very valuable and you only have so many years before you "age out"!!

Watch for positive people: they will say things like: you can, great job, your smart, that's hot, we can do this!!!

Negative will say: no, no way, you can't, impossible, why??
Never roll with anyone that is not thinking positive and saying postive!! This is why I don't like gangs, they work because they know you are desperate for "family" feeling or sense of belonging BUT I will tell you YOU can belong by choosing good friends and getting out to good events to meeet new good, people!!!

Smile, someone is watching you that just came in, make a good impression so they will do the same!!

For those that were in care and moved alot: 

Moving is a good way to get to know people, find a job in sales or marketing you are a master at knowing people and various cultures ...atleast two latino and african american in NY and "other" if your from midwest or other areas...It is very HELPFUL to be around allot of people, you learn personality's, how to deal with others, and how to work as a team player!

Foster Parents/Counselors: please continue to be patient, it is hard moving around and leaving old familiar people and places. feeling may get bottled up, teach them how to express themselves and that it is ok to miss friends and old homes. Teach them how to make new friends, take a chance on being more open and taking risk, its ok if the new person turned out to be a dud, next.......xo

Take advantage by finding a job that uses your people skills!! Have a great day, you are all loved and special!! xo Tanya

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!