
Thursday, November 18, 2010

what is your biggest fear after foster care?

Hi blog family!
What is your biggest fear after care? HOMELESSNESS! quite often when you leave foster care you are faced with many challenges: finding an apartment or room you can afford-while making $9 and hour, food, warm clothing. There usually is no one around to help and if they are-they are probably on drugs or more concerned with there problems.
What can you do to assure you will not be homeless (or again)?Nothing is full proof BUT...
1. If you are on public assistance- get into school-now! learn something of field, food, something you know will never die: keep in mind we must, die, pay taxes, get sick, eat and have clothes!! if you are enrolled in a program atleast you know 2 years from now will be better than today. You can prepare for a better future even if you have to start with your GED!! Your local community college has many programs that will get you finacial aid and sometimes you even have money left over! DOn't sit around waiting for your DSS check to get bigger--in fact it may go away one day...plan on it by planning to do something different than you been doing!! GET YOUR EDUCATION if it's free!!!
2. Put something away every check-even if it's $5 - you have to start building an emergency fund. incase your sick, out of work, need something etc.. if nothing else you can put your tax money away...atleast some. I know this may be the only time for you to buy clothes or extra things needed but think of how nice it feels to say you have $1,000 or so in the bank...:)
3. look into section 8 voucher's in your area- see if you can get on a waiting list- if you make under $40,000 with a family of 3 or 4 (check) you may qualify.. you will be paying 30% of your income instead of 80%!! big difference!! You should not have to live paycheck to paycheck (although most of us do) but find ways to get help! google section 8 voucher program in your area.
4. Search for the answers you need. learn how to advocate for yourself! No one is going to give away money-atleast not advertise it-no one will tell you there is affordable housing, food pantrys (that are better in the suburbs usually..smaller the town the better (and the higher the taxes - people tend to give nicer items and even food may at times be organic..YOU have to check around ask the church, a counselor at your kids school...there are resources out their-you just have to look.
Times seems hard right now but keep your head up and know that this too shall pass- is my favorite saying because this day will not be repeated, especially if you take action- is what i learned from this saying.. secure your future of a safe, loving home, being comfortable, free with nature, giving to others, secure your future by planning today and getting ANY help or services you need to better yourself..
have a great day and smile, someone is watching...xo Tanya

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!