
Monday, November 29, 2010

How not to depend on social services..

Hi blog family! I hope your thanks give ing was good! I spent mine giving and then eating! Teach your children to give back BEFORE they celebrate turkey day and xmas...take then out to give food or clothes to the homelss. They need to see and feel why they should be thankful...

On another note: I know usually after leaving foster care many will end up needing section 8 or DSS (welfare).
I want to challenge you.
If you are on working toward a goal to become independent of it!
I don't think it will be here forever but you should utilize it IF you NEED it and cannot find a job but know that you still need to keep looking and thinking of ways to get income so that you won't need it!

Often we get caught in a traditional cycle--(grandma was on public assistance,mom, so i will too)... there are times when fate accident that put you out of work, sudden death of spouse, family financial tragedy)..when you will have to go to get help with heat, (heap), food, or medical--that is ok, but if you are expecting it because you aged out of foster care....that is not the mentality you want.
because if you think you "deserve" it "forever" then you will always be dependent on it-forever!
Start thinking of it as a temparary solution only and think of ways to get off....
start making jewelry,
teach your  language to college kids or foreigners,
clean houses/apts (all you need to start is cleaning supply's and references)
you know how to hussle if you grew up in foster care! and I don't mean selling illegal things...i mean hussle like "creative  new income" for yourself that is legit.
 If you speak any language well, you can teach english...put an add up at a local college...if you make earrings, bring them to all the hair salons you know...craft can always make money--IF you have something people need or want!! Use your brain power--people who grew up in foster care have extra--that's how we survived!! look at the show shark tank....these are people figuring out how to generate extra income or create a career for themselves--being their own boss. You can do it--anything you put your mind to it but you have to start thinking out of the box!!
smile someone is watching you!!
xo Tanya

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!