
Thursday, July 21, 2011

How old? warning for parents

how old? warning for parents

Hi - to those that were in foster care and now may have children!!
 I am sure you heard about the young boy killed walking alone to school....just 8 years old!!

 My words today are: please don't allow your kids to walk anywhere alone under 13 years old!! if you were a foster kid or lived in the group homes- you know first hand vultures are always waiting for you!! They know you don't have family-which makes you easy pray. Remember those lessons for your kids-you will need them!!
 There are some advantages to growing up in the group homes- you are less likely to approach a car because your innocence is gone and your instinct kicks in when you see trouble!! 
Even at 10 with a buddy/family member perhaps.
8 is way too young, there are no decision making skills, this is why the poor boy not only went to a car for help, but got in!
He is innocent and did not know how to "judge" anyone, as far as he was concerned, the world was perfect and he was loved.
Usually - (unless they come from a horrible background of abuse/violence etc..) Crime never enters a "basic family raised" 8 year old  mind because he/she is at a precious age of innocence and usually has been protected.

It was his parents job to protect him from monsters like this!
No one can ever be 100% safe but this was an unfortunate price for a parent to pay for "letting your kid find themselves and be grown up"...
*A few kids parents stated he tried to get them in the car....this guy is a serious pedophile and it would not shock me if they find more victims....and if they don't its because he "got rid of the evidence".

 How do we as parents avoid this? Don't allow your kids to walk alone anywhere and don't leave them in the care of strangers OR people they ARE NOT comfortable with!! Especially foster kids, they will not usually tell you someone is threatening or hurting them...they don't want to be "moved again" or lose the only home they liked!!
 I knew a man who told me his mothers best friend use to make him perform" acts while she babysit!! I have heard this many times, sad part is, they never told there parents they were only 9 and 10 years old..she was 40...clearly a female pedophile!!
I wonder how many more this monster hurt?......
 think before we act as parents, it is our job to provide love, protect and keep safe...
thanks Tanya

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!