
Sunday, September 12, 2010

on meds and want to get off?

Hi blog family!
I want all of you who are on medication to know that---you can get off! I am not a doctor and I donnot know everyone's situation but I know many people who were on hardcore meds and got off. I believe if you are suicidal or homicidal--you may need meds because we don't want you hurting yourself or anyone else over an illusion or a problem that seemed important--but was not worth you going to jail or heaven early!!
You have to learn to meditate--why? becaue it helps you clear your head of extra voices, thoughts, ideas and garbage!!
The brain is thinking ALL the time!!! In my opinion no one is "crazy" they just allowed too many thoughts to enter--that were bad thoughts and they allowed their spirit to die--the "thing" that tells you not to do something because it is bad... follow me.... We all have had crazy thoughts or thoughts that we knew could get us in the mental ward if we followed the thought---so with that no one is "crazy" they just listen to the bad or evil spirits--which could come from childhood issues that were never talked about...mental, physical or sexual abuse etc.. the mind is reacting to a trauma and sometimes I believe people create other charectors in their head to protect themselves from the pain they are having....
If you are a person on meds for depression, bipolar, anxiety, whatever the reason...if you do mental conditioning..(retraining your brain...anthony robbins,, awaken the giant--read it__) you CAN get off meds BUT you have to do month, sometimes years of work..depending on how long you supressed your feelings of anger, helplessness, fear etc..... it does not happen overnight and you will be doing mental work to get through!
THere are people who will always need meds--and that is ok --if you are going to therapy and really sharing to help yourself with past issues...the mind can do ANYTHING you want it too....ask those who survived the holocausst and slavery (well the ancestors) were they able after being abused for years in camps and prisioners of war--how were they able to function during and after the abuse??? they did it with thier mnds!!! Nelson Mandela, how did he release his anger, fear and go on to run a great country..(that was taken)...??? so many people have survived being "out of their minds" during an autrosoty--so can you... take the word depression out of your language--replace it with "I am being challenged today"....don't let anyone tell you how you feel!!! start by telling yourself you are grateful for your life and a chance to go out and change the world EVERy day you get up and breadth---many did not make it through the night!! the universe needs you--wake up and take back your life!!
Stay positive-start youtubing self help guru's like anthony robbins--change your mind--change your life!!


  1. Hello,

    Sometimes the biggest barrier to going off of your medications is theat the system is set up to keep you on them and you end up fighting the system and trying to avoid going into a state psychiatric hospital. Once you are diagnosed they exercise power over you, especially if you are not self supportive and can do as you please. They also use so called caregivers as police. If it wasn't for those things I suppose everyone would go off of their medicine. However I agree that it is a good goal to strive for as no one wants to be on that horrible stuff all their life. Thanks for the encouragement. This happens to be something I'm working on presently and the more people that agree the better.

  2. yes, Shawn, you know what it is, anyone having to deal with this system should know it takes time and planning to get off and a good staff person that believes a person can change. If someone is in a place that requires taking meds...slowly find a way to do whatever is needed to get out safe and with sanity.... remembering the mind can do anything we want it to do with training and hard work, never give up and read as much as you can about meds and google what u can...thanks for reading..keep positive!!


If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!