
Sunday, July 25, 2010

when things are not going as planned

when things are not going as planned

Have you tried to make new friends only to find no one wants to be your friend unless they can get something out of it?
Have you tried to do the right thing and bad things--that can make you money or help you--keep showing up? You know if you do them, you will not sleep at night, may lose your reputation or like it so much you may make a deal with the devil.
Have you been good to people and honest, only to find they lied, distorted the truth to make you look bad and used you to get information or friends?

Welcome to the real world.
The good news is you come to a point in life when you get older, where none of that matters.

You stay focused on finding good friends, being the best you, doing the right thing and helping others--even when everyone seems to be against you and the "bad" looks good!
Often it is not you--it is the evil forces in the universe testing you and seeing what you are made of--you already know you cannot be broken!
Everyone has good and bad days--staying true to yourself and on your path of greatness will help dissolve the bad people or make the evil disapear or go somewhere else besides at your door!

stay true to self and learn to identify the good things and people in your life--even if it seems like it's only one---truth, honesty and love always wins!!!
You are special

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!