
Friday, September 13, 2013

Reflecting on you

Hi blog family!

I hope all the kids are back in school (and, education is key to moving forward in life, especially if your stuck in the same place from 4 years ago!! Today I want you to reflect on a few questions. Think real hard and if you cannot answer them, you, like many of us, have lots of work to do!! Remembering God only wants the BEST life for you - so that YOU can go out into the big world and HELP OTHERS with YOUR GIFTS and Talents!!!

1. What have you done today to help save or change a life
 (no matter how big or small the action - it could have been: you smiled at a kid that was crying from being bullied... at that moment your smile, could have been light, letting him know this too shall pass'.
it could have been: you told your sibling or friend that you did not want to go to a local party...and their was a fight and the police came, but because you did not go, they did not go and you both avoided trouble!:)
it could have been: a friend who was suicidal/homicidal (and you had no idea, just thinking they were "Emo" or "sad"- and because they met you, they changed their minds and later helped some else or became a doctor/counselor or nurse!!! (you may not know until later when they share with you). THink of all the people who helped you survive this far without parents or guidance? Someone had to be kind or say a kind word at some point - no man/woman can go it alone!!! We all need approval, guidance  and love to nourish and grow!!!

2. Do you listen when your "gut"

 "God" - or "the Universe" tell or guides you to do something and act instantly?
How many times have you thought not to do or to do something and something wonderful happens to the person who did act? how many times, at an event something said go over and introduce yourself to a person, and you did and became BFF or you got a job through that person or information that you needed!! Follow your good gut! it rarely steers you wrong!  (something told you "not to do it...and now your in trouble or you missed your blessing)...

 I had a co-worker who use to always want me to play lotto, (not condoning this but its an example), he use to always say, you never know when you will I had many dreams of winning and know I cant win if I don't play!! Well, he won $30mill!! I have seen movies that were blockbuster hits (I write screenplays BTW)....and have written but never sold similar scripts!!
Listen to your gut - it may be your money maker!!! We are taught at birth to NOT follow our gut but I say, its the universe/God giving you clues and if you act on them, it may lead to success!!

3. What are you doing right now - to make a better tomorrow?

You know life will be the same today and next week and next year, if you don't make a plan!! Go back to school or take a trade or youtube how to do - whatever it is you want to do and cannot afford!! There is SO much FREE information online, learning how to type, how to make jewelry, how to do excel - anything you need to know and cannot afford - go online YouTube has something for almost anything you type in!!!! FREE information!!!

Remember to reflect on you today! How can I be a better, kinder, productive me? WHat can I do to get more out of life (to my youngins...legally) TROUBLE is never worth it - hard worth everything and you enjoy it more!!! Go out today smiling, knowing that you have a future because YOU are planning it, writing it down and living it!!! Have a blessed day, God loves you and you have divine purpose!!!!



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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!