
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

when was the last time you had a checkup?

hey blog family!!

when was the last time you visited the doctor or sat down and prayed or meditate?
Yes you need an over all physical!
This body and mind is the only one you get in this life- so you must treat it right. How you say??
If you are into church--get on your knees and pray to God, thank him for your wonderful, special self and all the GOOD in your life.
Pray that all the negative is held at bay because your positive energy is SO great!
Give thanks for you being able to do better today what you could not do yesterday...
give thanks for your sanity and making it through whatever hardships you went through....
Giving thanks is a form of cleansing to me because now that you said thanks - you can start over and do even better..

Your physician-yes, you need to go and check your body every now and then.
I am not big on doctors, medicine or anything not natural to the body BUT you must
 get your cholesterol checked-great way to tell if your a candidate for heart disease!
 Sometimes you may look good, (like my brother did), but be in deadly trouble!!
check for diabetes
GYN---guys prostate
if over 50 colon (only if you know you have eaten bad all your life and having potty trouble.....
eat only the foods that God made in the garden of eden, anything careful, especially processed foods...chips, dressings, mayo, cookies--you know and if you don't google it!!!

watch what meds you take for headaches/allergys....including benedryl...some of these may be causing your brain to be foggy scientist are discovering...check out Dr.
I know you can't be perfect--cause then you would not be on earth BUT you can check up your body and your mind and make sure its in tac!!!

Lastly- when the world has failed you and you become confused or chaotic--sit in total silence!! don't allow anyone to disturb you- take a walk in the woods or sit by a lake or ocean--whatever will allow you peace... listen to the universe and what God has to tell you in review. Listen to what your instincts tell you--they never guide you wrong IF you listen to them enough to know what you need to do--that is why god made them!! Silence is so important to finishing your checkup- you re-a-ssess yourself and what you need to do to make this life work!

Foster care or other tradegys may have been brutal in your life-it is time to take care of you and your needs so that you can go into the world and help others in YOUR own way!!

Please check yourself- the universe needs you and someone is waiting for you to save them and change their life!! xo


1 comment:

  1. Tanya wrote: "Please check yourself- the universe needs you and someone is waiting for you to save them and change their life!! xo"

    This is the guiding principle that keeps me going. If it wasn't for the fact that there are others who suffer and that perhaps I can help them to overcome that, then I would not have a strong connection to this world. Every time I'm able to make a difference in someone's life it makes all my life so much more worthwhile and meaningful. I live to help others and I am delighted to have found your site Tanya as although I didn't go through foster care I did endure some horrible abuses, abandonment, and neglect from my family. I could have gone into foster care, but I didn't knwo anything about it as at that time it was unheard of for kids to call child protective services and really I had never heard of them. Now I'm 45 and still recovering and getting my life together. I never bieved I would live past the age of 21 so I ddn't apply myself at a young age. Then there was the cult I joined that didn't believe in military service. I spent a long time thinking it was the end of the world so why bother. Fortunately we outgrew tht type of thinking as a congregation together. I'm no longer religious, but I do have a relationship with God. Now I only want to do my best to be the best that i can be so that I can help someone else who feels hopeless and alone without a friend in the world except for the USA government and even that relationship has its' limitations. The universe says to me stay here and help out. She makes me feel wanted, so I don't mind.


If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!