
Sunday, February 28, 2010

someone tried to steal my joy...

Hi blog family:
another day has come and gone and life is good if you are amongst the living... I will be short today.

Sometimes life is going great, even in the mist of chaos and your at your job and some person decides to try and test your happiness.
 I had a guy that was so rude, i cried!!
My boss said the guy was a jerk, as she had witnessed him trying to talk down to me, but i cried like a baby...not because of what he said but because he actually wanted to hurt someone's feelings and did! I instantly saw how there are people who do this all day...make others miserable!!
I know, i should not have let him steal my joy but do you ever get tired of getting up every morning cranking out a smile and kind word for everyone who will listen, even when your in pain, and then some rude person kills the moment? They look for an interior motive for my happiness, it's LIFE!!!!I am breathing, thinking, loving etc...
I don't know why i am so happy, i just know i put on a happy face 95% because i may change one person's day for the better.
 Can a person be too happy? I am searching for answers but only come up with; alot of people are miserable and don't want to see you happy if they are not...
 I could be wrong but if I could tell you how many people ask me why am I so happy a day....I don't understand i thought people were soppose to be happy and since happiness is contagious, i want to spread it like wild fire!
Well i see nothing wrong with being friendly or smiling and i will continue to do so,  without a major motive,
I can't imagine getting out of bed any other way...after years of being sad, i decided happy is better!
LIfe is too short and I want to be happy here and be known as a happy person who enjoyed life, when i am anything wrong with that? I think and be kind to someone today, you may save a life...
you are loved and needed, Tanya

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!