
Friday, November 22, 2013

No time for Holiday Blues

Hi blog family!

it has been a minute - but life is good! I am on the grind, trying to bring my gifts forward that God gave me!!
 I finally got the guts to get back on stage after memory issues!
 I auditioned for America's Got Talent!! You all know I love telling jokes!! Have to wait till February to find out!!!:( - who does that!!

Holidays are approaching!
This is a high time for suicide rates and depression. But not for us. Life is our only option!! Remember our ancestors came through oppression, which can be worse than death!
 If they made it over on boats in horrible, crowded conditions, survived whippings, abuse of all kinds, YOU owe it to our ancestors to find a way out of your darkness and into the light we ALL have, if we turn it on!

 For my group home kids who have no family to go home to and for anyone who has no family for whatever reason,  Holidays can be very lonely for some and sad BUT....not for you! Here are some tips on how to break away from the holiday blues!

1.  surround yourself around good friends, (if you don't have any...get to looking!!) lol

There are many ways to meet new quality friends;
 engage in conversation
 join a group
 take a class in something that interest you
 God did not intend for you to do this journey alone. We all need at least one friend!

I am praying that none of those without family will feel lonely this holiday!
Know that God is always sending you angels right here on earth - you have to find them and know when they are present!!

If you have no one for this holiday
2. go to a church or pantry that is having dinner, meet new people!
 Try to gravitate towards the ones who want to get out of their current situation
who wants to grow
 You can spot haters, naysayer and non believers from a mile away! (just look for the signs; saying negative things, being negative-violent-mean or nasty!
*Look for the people at the table who are grateful that someone took the time to think about them so they could share a meal!
look for someone who gives a complement or kind word!
Angels are all around us in many forms!!
Remember you are NOT alone if you have God in your heart and will power - you are never alone.

3.Think good thoughts this holiday. Stop associating with bad times,  even if you do not get one present, the fact that you have life and speech and can move is present enough - nothing like the gift of life!
The fact that you are here is the present, (the gift), - anything could happen at any moment!
 It means you could go out and make a million dollar idea NOW!!
It means you could walk into the love of your life - at any moment
 it means that you could talk a friend out of hurting themselves or others because God gave you the brain power to negotiate!!!

You are divine! Use what you were born with!
There is no time for holiday blues, only holiday presence, (as in showing up) for yourself and others!

For the holidays surround yourself around love, people and food- even if its at someone else's table!!
presents don't mean anything over presence!!
Be there in the moment of the holiday, enjoy it as a time to feel love from others - presents are only material and won't last long but if you make a good impression with love and laughter, your presence will mean everything for the holiday - no matter what table your at!!! Go spread joy and love and know that you are loved and favored!! xo Happy holidays to all my readers and thank you for the support!!


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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!