
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hi Blog family!!
Honoring a great Woman today!! I woke up saying what is on my heart and being thankful for great leaders!! (the ones I chose to model after)...

Inspiration Role model of the day:
Salute to Dr. Betty Shabazz;
 mother of 6
 Professor and wife of the Late Great Malcom X.
She was a woman of honor, charector and NEVER gave up - even when her husband was assasinated - leaving her to raise 6 girls alone in grief from her loss but no time to pity, only time to raise her girls and get her degree!! AMAZING strength!!

If you feel down for any reason, perhaps you have kids, your financially challenge..(we don't say broke')lol..
Maybe you are not doing what you love or what you are good at -
 think of Dr. Shabazz when you need inspiration and their is NO WAY you could continue your pity party!!
Wake up - and find a solution!!
Life is calling!
 If this wonderful leader, educator, mother could raise kids and educate others during hard times and death, why would you have an excuse!!
Lets focus on NOT making excuses but on raising ourselves to our highest human potential!!

Anthony Robbins says: "Success is doing what you love, when you love, with who you love" - reaching financial independence is the only way to enjoy your life!!! ANYONE can do it with an idea, dream, follow-thru and determination!!! below is something I wrote just for you, it was on my heart, so I share!

What are you doing with YOUR TODAY?
Are you owning it?
Honoring it as the only TODAY??
Are you doing all YOU can do to be the best you?
Thinking every waking moment of how to be better do better ...LIVE BETTER!
Never accepting what others "handed" you..from your parents down to experiences...
YOU can do better, live better and be better....TODAY!!

What are you doing for YOUR TODAY???

Know that YOU are the King/Queen of the universe and the world won't ever stop BUT it moves funny without your input!!!
BTW: go watch Beast of the Southern will change your life and you see it and it does not... ...ask yourself if you really have a life of quality and how to get one!!  Seriously.... Best movie EVER!!
Great Movie!!!

xo Tanya 

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!