
Friday, October 15, 2010

what makes you special?

hi blog family:

As adults, have you ever wondered what makes you so special? think about this.
You survived foster care or something that you thought you would not make it through.
what makes you so special is the fact that YOU survived!!
my example of how everyone is special..
unfortunately, thanks to J. Steinbergh and H Nausbaum--Lisa Steinbergh is no longer here. It saddens me to think they took her life with no remorse! BUT how do I work through that pain of knowing a foster child was killed--by knowing she was special and  had divine purpose like all of us, even if it was a moment and to bring attention to foster kids being abused in NY. that may seem small but thanks to lisa, we now have a better system in place for spotting child abuse--

we have a long way to go but because of this case, some neighbor is a little more nosy,
some social worker is a little more into checking homes,
someone like you keeps your eyes open...all because of a special little girl named lisa.
We are all special and went through fostercare, abandonment, abuse or neglect for some reason--to help others stay alive!! Lisa steinbergh helped me realize why I was special and had to help others.

I ask you, what can you do today-to help others in foster care?
 If you are not a people person think of other ways you can help: be kind to kids in care, showing them a skill, mentoring, tutoring a foster kids, 
there are so many ways to help, think of how you can help..we can change the faces of kids in foster care, one kid at a time..we want them to leave feeling empowered.
WHat makes you so special--you remember how it felt to not have a family and YOU will help empower our future generation!!
I thank the creator for you, please realize why you are special-you are here to tell a story and save or change a life!! xo Tanya

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!