
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A True Mother's Day Miracle | Loren Michaels-Harris | Goalcast

Graffiti Legend/Author James Top

Unbreakable Me Author, Elizabeth Graybill

When you have done your work in past addiction and enter recovery, when you have said your sorry, said your peace and asked for forgiveness, don't allow anyone to hold you hostage UNLESS they sexually or physically abused you, then you can walk away and forgive but lose that dead weight. 

YOU should NEVER have to be in a room with someone who sexually, physically or mentally abused you NEVER, unless YOU say so. 

You don't owe an abuser anything nor your time or space, in fact, i would say get as fare away from them as you can, even if its your parents, siblings, (unless siblings was made to commit horror acts unwillingly and would be abused also IF they did not), that is up to you to forgive in that type of case. 
If your parents were on drugs and they did not use you for drugs or abuse you, then it's up to you both to repair the relationship and start new. 

Allow them time to get it right or atleast get it...if they ask and show you they are trying, work with them walk away and breath when you have to but don't hold them hostage when they are doing are blessed to get a 2nd chance, I never got one....
sending love to all my orphans and those on their own due to dysfunctional family, God loves you and FKU loves you!!! Keep reaching for the stars,  it is YOU that make the world bright!! xo


Monday, June 14, 2021

kidnapped siblings

 siblings are the most important beings God made, in case your parents fail, can't do, won't do or are just too busy to give you all the love and attention you need. So why do they split us apart? To make more $$$ and because they usually could not find a home for more than one back in the day, but things have changed thankfully.

My baby brother Mark was adopted off quick because he was light skin, red hair, freckles, only about 15 miles from where I grew up in my last foster home. I made a point NOT to date light skinned red or brown hair guys, as it COULD potentially be, my baby brother who was born October 6, 1971 in Brooklyn, NY.

I have never found him and have tried everything but private detective, which I might have to do. How can he. disappear off the face of the earth? I pray he is well.

I want you to ALWAYS keep in touch with your siblings no matter what they say!!! 

They are your key to life when you are down, the air you need to breath when you have to move to unfamiliar places AGAIN and AGAIN, they are the key to YOUR life being stable in ONE area, the only family you have left that is reliable. 

I had NO one but my baby brother Rob, they took my sister and brother away, thankfully when my mom went into coma and died, the law aloud us to see her and family again. 

While no one stays in touch from my birth family but a few, i realized my siblings is most important and I am blessed to have my sister in my life. 

We can never get the years we missed but we try to love like siblings, unconditional and intentional as God deemed us to be together. FIND YOUR SIBLINGS!!! 

use facebook, telegram is more secure but i know you young folk like the gram..instagram and snapchat..Don't stop until you find them, they will be the key to you rising up no matter how hard life gets.

Go to college IF you can OR open your own business doing whatever YOU are GREAT at; singing, making clothes, jewelry, drawing, carpentry, plumbing, electronics...IF you have YOUR own can have freedom and time to help YOUR siblings get on their feet. 

Don't repeat your parents abandonment cycle, don't repeat abuse or neglect, get therapy, read, write in a journal, pass the journal to your siblings, ask the social worker if you can send the journal back and your sibling enter something then your turn, this way you never disconnect. 

I learned this early and my dear friend Liz Welch, teaches fosters to stay in touch through journaling, you can too!

I love you for your tenacity, courage and I love you for rising to the top no matter what, never give up, FosterKidsuNite, Inc LOVES our  foster and aged out foster youth!

* contact us if you are aging out and need help