This is a place where you can come for advice or a kind word. If you are in a group home, Foster care or had no family due to any circumstance, There are many things you may not have learned. I hope to motivate change in your life! If you have no family to inspire you on bad days, you may find something here to show you how to get out of your bubble and "take back your life! * These words are my opinions only and based on my 16 years in foster care! FosterKidsUniteInc@gmail.com
Thursday, January 21, 2016
X Ambassadors - Unsteady Guitar Center Sessions on DIRECTV
If I had to choose a song that represented how I felt the day my mother gave us away and never came back, this would be the song, it speaks my heart. I am well with my soul now so I can enjoy the sorrow because I made it through. Many of you are just realizing mom or dad may not ever come back for us, but we can still have joy and love in our hearts once we realize, this life journey is full of lessons, hurt, love and we can make it through anything IF we accept that sometimes, our parents are only a vehicle to get us here xo
Stay positive, focused and keep love in your heart, even when it doesn't seem to be available, its there keep open to the many forms it will come in
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Ray LaMontagne - Trouble (Live Acoustic)
when I want to change my mood, I put on music, it is a cure for loneliness & any other ailments of the soul. A song is only as sad as you make it. This song picks me back up after a stressful day. We all have life challenges, no one is immune, how you pick back up, will be what matters xo
Smile, someone is watching you! God loves you so much he wants you to go out and do great positive things to save or change a life!!
Don't wallow in your mess, get up get out and help somebody and honor Dr. King and all those who died for us Americans to have freedom of speech and freedom to move! Do something to help others no matter their color, religion or sex, be kind to ALL people and you will be blessed! xo
Feb 2nd is our fundraiser at Mount Kisco Applebee''s email us for a flyer and bring and give to your server and help us earn 10% and help our aged out foster youth with scholarships in MAY!!!
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Sunday, January 10, 2016
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