
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Figuring it out!

Hi blog family!!

HISTORY 101- "know your ancestors, then you will know what greatness you came from!" - Tanya

Do you see this great woman! An original "American"- Do you know what she went through and now life is better for us? I doubt she ever complained. Look at her carefully, you can see she comes from good stock and is very mentally and physically strong - nothing in this life can deter her, for she is a true warrior- like our ancestors...and no matter what happens physically in this life, as long as you have breath - you too are a warrior!!

It does not take much to figure out that YOU are a superstar waiting to shine!

How do we know this? Why am I having a hard time as a former foster figuring out where I belong in the world? Why don't things come easy for me? Why do I have no family and if I do, they are not reliable?

A lot of questions!! Hold your horses, lol !!

First: We are ALL in this world trying to figure out why we are here, (including your parents and family), why some were born with more than others and how that applies to US- it doesn't - don't worry about what someone else has- it has NOTHING to do with you!! We are each here for OUR OWN experience!!!! Some of us get guided by family friends, others, have to find their way - either way is ok IF you wake each day and LEARN a new lesson that gets you closer to the, purpose.

No man woman boy or girl will escape reality of life, good and bad things happen to good people!
You may be a teen reading this living in a group home, you may be a house mom who use to be in foster care, you may be in a transitional home, does not matter- what you need to know is YOU HAVE DIVINE PURPOSE!!!

When I discovered that at an early age, I knew that even sexual abuse could not stop me from getting to my greatestness AND that once I found that greatness, I would be lead to helping, healing and saving others and get out of MYSELF!
I live everyday trying to figure out HOW to get to the next step that will lead me to my calling- I know it is helping others in foster care but way bigger than this!!

 I have had many downfalls, (epic fails as the teens say, lol), but I get back up each time, dust myself off, laugh and cry a little, then hit the road harder!!

You were chosen because God knew that YOU COULD handle it!!! Stop saying why me and say WHY NOT ME? No one is extinct from error, hurt, death, sickness and NO one is extinct from finding their GREATNESS that will help them help others move through this life!!

Everything material you see, its all an illusion, don't get caught up in the worldly assets, get caught up on how many lives you can save or change - that - will be your biggest success by helping others and sharing your truth!!

You are loved, divine and oh so needed!! xo
PS. thanks for all your prayers, God is amazing, life is rewarding when we wake up and take it by the horns!! Wishing you the best for 2014

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If you are looking for a sibiling that was adopted please leave me a post..maybe we can find our sibilings here..i am looking for baby brother Mark who was adopted to a family of doctors in Elmsford,NY in the 1970's he was born oct 6th 1970/71..reddish hair, freckles..would look like chris brown with age any thought u may have!!