Hi blog family!
It has been a while - but I'm always "here"...even when I don't post, I am checking in to see if anyone ask questions....the event was a success, our lovely Mayor gave us another proclamation!! What a surprise! I saw people that were touched by our speaker, Pat from Family Ties!! A few left wanting to foster older kids!!! What more could you ask for! Our 4 winners, know that our community has their backs and we support their hard work!! Special thanks to Ramuso who let us know why scholarships, no matter how small, helps!! Thanks to our kind donors who helped all 4 kids..ALL MONEY WENT TO KIDS...fliers, food, copies, FREE! God always sends us angels when we need them and we are working on 501c3 but the faithful still helped us. We proved you can help others....with your talent and without a dime!! Big thanks to ALL my brother Robert's friends...it would not be possible without you and Megan for starting the ball rolling...."We do what we can, when we can, with the gifts God gave us-teaching other foster kids to reach, teach and pay it forward!!"- Tanya/Megan/Rob
I was talking to my friend, who was also a foster child all his life, and he said something important: "I hope to get my finances in order, so that I can live without stressing money". I also talked to another friend and then thought about my own situations: when I've had money , (as a model years ago), and when I did not an now....
It is tough to be laid off from full-time perm work with benefits...I fell victim but I survive, my foster mom use to say it is better to have $5 than not have any $!! And she is right! You can build off of SOMETHING....you cannot plan or make moves with 0....
My advice:
1. find any job or jobs that will pay you atleast minimum wage..(if you could waitress, its better, cash tipes will allow you to pay off debtors, student loans etc...)
2. If you can, work odd jobs, making jewelry, art/...selling at fairs/events
3. It is better to write down your plan of financial success, don't leave it to memory....:( mines is bad!!)lol
4. Stay confident that you will find a job! Dont give in or up!!
5. If you have NO skills....look for scholorships to take one class (filmaking, jewelry, writing)..whatever field you WANT to be in...NY film school, Jacob Burns Film Center, Communiity college, library, and job force in your area, sometimes you don't need a degree but knowledge of a skill...example...editing final cut pro...you don't need a degree, in fact most of you that love computers...could take this one time class and become great editors of video's or movies!!!! Yes, its that easy...
6. ALWAYS ask about a scholorship...if you make less than $25,000 single or $30,000 with a kid...you usually qualify!! Yes, its a pain to get "references" but hey, you said YOU WANT to the universe??? then do your part!!
Nothing in this life comes easy BUT i promise you its a great world with lots to see and people to meet that can bring you to your next level of greatness!! God is good and working miracles in your life ALL the time you are alive!!!
Don't be discouraged if you are slower than most, you just have to find YOUR calling!!!! Life is wonderful but you need a financial plan
1. Save $1 for every $10 you make!! You must pay yourself 1st...
2. have one account for bills, one for emergency and one for "family stuff or your stuff' if single/no kids
3. write how much money you NEED to live comfortable and don't settle for "just making it"..BUT if that's all you can do...then enjoy it!!
You don't need to be on the wheel of life OR keep up with the Jones IF you know you have reached YOUR FULL potential of what God gave you!!!
Always find ways to live better, make more income to be comfortable, never chase a $..that is why you should have 2 jobs if your with no kids!!! when one check mess up, you have the other, never stressing over a bill...trust me I know all too well and that is why i share, so you DON'T make the mistakes I made!!!
Remember God loves YOU MOST!!! Your Divine and powerful when you have faith, love and try to be all God wants you to be!!! xo
It has been a while - but I'm always "here"...even when I don't post, I am checking in to see if anyone ask questions....the event was a success, our lovely Mayor gave us another proclamation!! What a surprise! I saw people that were touched by our speaker, Pat from Family Ties!! A few left wanting to foster older kids!!! What more could you ask for! Our 4 winners, know that our community has their backs and we support their hard work!! Special thanks to Ramuso who let us know why scholarships, no matter how small, helps!! Thanks to our kind donors who helped all 4 kids..ALL MONEY WENT TO KIDS...fliers, food, copies, FREE! God always sends us angels when we need them and we are working on 501c3 but the faithful still helped us. We proved you can help others....with your talent and without a dime!! Big thanks to ALL my brother Robert's friends...it would not be possible without you and Megan for starting the ball rolling...."We do what we can, when we can, with the gifts God gave us-teaching other foster kids to reach, teach and pay it forward!!"- Tanya/Megan/Rob
I was talking to my friend, who was also a foster child all his life, and he said something important: "I hope to get my finances in order, so that I can live without stressing money". I also talked to another friend and then thought about my own situations: when I've had money , (as a model years ago), and when I did not an now....
It is tough to be laid off from full-time perm work with benefits...I fell victim but I survive, my foster mom use to say it is better to have $5 than not have any $!! And she is right! You can build off of SOMETHING....you cannot plan or make moves with 0....
My advice:
1. find any job or jobs that will pay you atleast minimum wage..(if you could waitress, its better, cash tipes will allow you to pay off debtors, student loans etc...)
2. If you can, work odd jobs, making jewelry, art/...selling at fairs/events
3. It is better to write down your plan of financial success, don't leave it to memory....:( mines is bad!!)lol
4. Stay confident that you will find a job! Dont give in or up!!
5. If you have NO skills....look for scholorships to take one class (filmaking, jewelry, writing)..whatever field you WANT to be in...NY film school, Jacob Burns Film Center, Communiity college, library, and job force in your area, sometimes you don't need a degree but knowledge of a skill...example...editing final cut pro...you don't need a degree, in fact most of you that love computers...could take this one time class and become great editors of video's or movies!!!! Yes, its that easy...
6. ALWAYS ask about a scholorship...if you make less than $25,000 single or $30,000 with a kid...you usually qualify!! Yes, its a pain to get "references" but hey, you said YOU WANT to the universe??? then do your part!!
Nothing in this life comes easy BUT i promise you its a great world with lots to see and people to meet that can bring you to your next level of greatness!! God is good and working miracles in your life ALL the time you are alive!!!
Don't be discouraged if you are slower than most, you just have to find YOUR calling!!!! Life is wonderful but you need a financial plan
1. Save $1 for every $10 you make!! You must pay yourself 1st...
2. have one account for bills, one for emergency and one for "family stuff or your stuff' if single/no kids
3. write how much money you NEED to live comfortable and don't settle for "just making it"..BUT if that's all you can do...then enjoy it!!
You don't need to be on the wheel of life OR keep up with the Jones IF you know you have reached YOUR FULL potential of what God gave you!!!
Always find ways to live better, make more income to be comfortable, never chase a $..that is why you should have 2 jobs if your with no kids!!! when one check mess up, you have the other, never stressing over a bill...trust me I know all too well and that is why i share, so you DON'T make the mistakes I made!!!
Remember God loves YOU MOST!!! Your Divine and powerful when you have faith, love and try to be all God wants you to be!!! xo