
Sunday, May 12, 2024

"Comics Creating Change," Plauzzable Creator, Leanne Linsky

to all my future comics in foster care, listen in, learn and now you have a new platform where you can do teen shows, clean shows, its all up to you and you can get paid, whatever YOU choose!


Monday, May 6, 2024

Detox Diets and Regenerative Therapies for Heart Failure

i know you think you too young for heart disease BUT that is not as true as you think! My other baby brother Rob died of heart disease at 41....with a body like a pro athlete, even the coroner said he had the body of a 20 year old college athlete, no one expected a massive heart attack.
Because of this, I always ask young people to start now eating health, at least 85% veggies and fruit. Since young people are USUALLY way more active if playing sports, you body allows you to do incredible things and still have energy BUT that does not last forever, start young and you finish well when you are older. Enjoy life, enjoy friends and family if you have any, foster, or just friends you consider family, that is more immportat. But you should know about the heart and its function and HOW plant base helps, this video is great for that. Also check out Dr. Yahki Awaken, master herbalist also! He can help you with anything ...listen to his story on Sway universe!

Blessings, i love all my foster youth and youth without parents, keep moving forward and NEVER give up!!!! YOU are designed unique and special NEVER forget that, you not made to copy others or be 2nd you made to be a leader and be 1st in all things! love you all xoxo

* (if you have any questions and check out my advice on 
tiktok @grouphomeadvice
(lol until it gets banned IF it does...them investors too deep in) 
if you would like to be in my documentry about foster care as a foster adopted or birth parent OR as a foster who aged out at ANY time or age please email me!! thanks