
Thursday, October 3, 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Cast Members of The New Film Short, "Black Reign"

always follow your dreams, ANYTHING is possible IF YOU dream, pray, plan, prepare and execute!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

How to Start a Business in 2023

I love Millionaire University! WHen you get FREE information USE IT!!!!!
Go to their site subscribe, learn valuable info!!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

"Mental Health, "Project Blackbird Inc Founder, Alexandra Miles

time change!! today sunday at 5pm ET make sure to share please lets s"ave or change a life" - Tanya

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Raising awareness on Mental Health | A Sundance Panel discussion

Sundays guest On The Town With Tanya young people, you need to know YOU are supported in ALL mental health struggles!!!! We got you do you have YOU????
Sunday youtube or spotify 4pm ET share we need to heal souls and save lives!!!! together!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Vegan Chef/Author "Vegans Are Us Cookbook", Sharonda Harris-Bunton

foster on 90% vegan....start with getting rid of pork....then drop the red meat....OR if you can' it once a week then once a month.... 
GET RID OF SUGAR!!! EAT 80% fruit...instead of candy, juice, sugar, bread, pasta rice,...(only rice that may be ok is black rice, and wild rice.... 
GET RID OF dairy....causes mucus in the body....(do your research check the white papers/journals)...
I am not a Dr. BUT i know NO ONE tells fosters  what to eat.... check out all of Dr. Sebi videos WITH HIM IN IT NOT THE FAKERS Check out Dr. Yahki Awaken ...Herbalist is the way to go....avoid meds IF you can....if you can't EAT HEALTHY!!!!!! your cells need nutrients!!!!
love you all, blessings
*these are my thoughts on things I learned about food, I am NOT a DR.....(did 9 years of school...but....)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

2024 She’s Unstoppable Summit with Sage Robbins

YOU are unstoppable! Never forget that, watch Sage Robbins, Tony Robbins wife and be inspired! search for motivation and inspiration on youtube not junk like what the diddler is doing, rappers or celebrities, find things and people that GIVE you ideas, love, light and peace. life is what we make it xoxo

Monday, August 5, 2024

"Young People In Community Service, Braille Diaz

It is important for all foster youth and aging out 18 and over to VOTE!!! Your vote matters when we all go to the polls! You can google HOW to sign up its very easy with ID... vote for your local officers in your town or city, attend the town monthly meeting so you know what is going on in YOUR area and you can praise or complain about the crime, lack of trees, local bus stops, taxes too can be heard and you need to be heard. IF you paying taxes you need to know where your money is going.

My foster mom was a civil rights

Check out my podcast/youtube show Sundays 4pm ET- Subscribe to my channel. if there is any topic you want me to cover, leave it in the chat or inbox me on instagram/FB - blessings to you!

leader, did sit-Ins in Alabama and oteher southern areas that would not allow us to ride a bus or vote...we are now sitting where we want on the bus and voting because they sacraficed their lives, their time, so that WE all could talk, drink out of the same fountain (although lol i dont do fountain nor tap water).. I digress....VOTE VOTE VOTE for whoever YOU think will help all people live a better quality life in AMerica or whatever city/town you in!!! Vote local and vote for the big elections, YOUR voice matters!

I love you, God loves you and YOU are divine!!!! Stay on track and write/get to your goals. - Tanya

Monday, July 15, 2024

Author, "Hindred Spirit", Ed Perratore

Foster Youth STAY inspired and motivated! Follow YOUR dreams! If you are into writing, listen in on spotify or here, I love all my foster youth and wish you only success light and love! email me IF you ever need advice

Agencies email IF you need a speaker or workshop leader!